Chief Information Officer - Solutions and Partners 3 (CIO-SP3)

由美国管理.S. Department of Health and Human 服务 (HHS) National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Chief Information Officer – Solutions and Partners 3 contract (CIO-SP3) is a broad-based Government-Wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC). It can be used by any federal, civilian or U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) agency to fulfill a wide range of mission-critical information technology (IT) requirements and is designed to support the Federal Health Architecture and the Federal Enterprise Architecture.

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ICF brings over 50 years of experience and capabilities in providing technology services to the U.S. 联邦政府 across all CIO-SP3 task areas. 我们与CNSI合作, a recognized leader in the implementation and management of large-scale healthcare beneficiary programs nationwide. ICF combines its experience in government mission and program areas with innovative technology and services to help clients meet their critical IT objectives and achieve measurable results. ICF的优势包括:

  • 深厚的技术领域知识. ICF程序员, 规划者, and systems engineers work with in-house subject matter experts and program specialists in areas such as health, energy, 国土安全, 教育, 还有环境. We have expanded our capacity to provide unique digital, 互动, and mobile solutions for the health market and beyond.
  • Expertise in a wide array of specialty areas. ICF’s team also includes multiple subcontractors with experience supporting federal IT and health informatics projects. This diverse team allows us to expand similar services to existing customers throughout HHS and agencies across the U.S. 联邦政府.
  • 广泛的客户基础遍及全美.S. 联邦机构. With clients located in nearly every HHS Operating Division (OPDIV) and across most federal civilian and defense organizations, we are equipped to deliver CIO SP3 task orders effectively.
颁发机构: 美国卫生和公众服务部:国立卫生研究院
合同编号: HHSN316201200028W
  • IT 服务 for Biomedical 研究, Health Sciences, and Healthcare
  • Chief Information Officer (CIO) Support
  • 成像
  • 外包
  • IT运维
  • 集成服务
  • Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) and Information
  • 保证
  • 数字政府
  • 企业管理制度
  • 软件开发



Mark Youman,高级副总裁
电话:+ 1.703.934.3658

即期付款条件: None

CIO-SP3 provides streamlined ordering procedures, 易于使用的在线订购系统, 请求提案(RFP)模板, 并得到了来自 NITAAC客户支持中心

  • 步骤1 -定义: 客户提交RFP
  • 步骤2 -提交: NITAAC reviews scope and releases to eligible contract holders
  • 步骤3 -发布: 等待问&(可选)
  • 步骤4 -等待: Proposal contract holder(s) submits proposal
  • 步骤5 -授予: Select awardee; prepare award* using the CIO-SP3 contract number
  • 步骤6 -资助: 在e- GOS中加载奖励文件

*Award documents prepared in agency's contract writing system, e.g.,棱镜.

  • 卫生信息与系统—ICF delivers health informatics and systems that enable clients to obtain and disseminate top-quality health data and make informed clinical and policy decisions.
  • 项目管理—ICF blends classic program management processes with new and groundbreaking approaches to create sustainable solutions for ever-changing program needs.
  • 技术-ICF提供U.S. government agencies and commercial organizations with IT management services and solutions to effectively share information, 理解复杂的情况, and maximize resources and efficiencies.
  • 网络安全 and 身份管理—ICF helps clients manage cybersecurity threats with highly customizable solutions and identity management that ensures the safety of confidential data and valuable intellectual property.
  • 数字 —ICF brings expertise around digital and 互动 media, 移动技术, 社交媒体, 门户和内容管理.
公司 Size 业务类型
中枢神经系统公司. 大型,CTA合作伙伴 CNSI delivers a broad portfolio of information technology (IT) and business process outsourcing (BPO) solutions to a diverse base of federal, state, and local government agencies and commercial enterprises
Avanco国际 SB 业务流程分析, Oracle数据库设计, 软件开发和维护, 培训, 以及终端用户支持
全息技术 VOSB 业务, 系统和流程再造, IT基础设施, 设施工程, 地理信息系统(GIS), 信息安全保障, 以及组织策略


Large 联系中心, social services eligibility and enrollment streamlining, 的认证, 集合, 调查设计及外展, 和成就感


SB Information system planning and development, 企业系统规划, 投资分析与开发, 信息保障
Dovel技术 SB Health IT, systems integration and development, service-oriented architecture (SOA)
Encore健康资源 WOSB Health data analytics, implementation and optimization, and EHR deployment
Large 扩充资讯科技人员, 临床支援服务, IT开发, 基础设施和数据解决方案, 企业资源规划, 和外包
梅森哈里曼集团 SB 营运及财务, 工作流程文档, 组织治理, and operating and risk policies and procedures
森的同事 WOSB 资讯系统保安, 网络服务器维护, 应用程序/系统设计, 网站开发, 应用程序托管, 数据中心管理, 以及服务台支持


SB Data management technology automation and improvement and operational decision management/analytics
8 (a)深发展 组织流程管理, 系统和应用设计, 工程与实施, 需求分析, 以及质量保证和测试
VOSB, SDVOSB Software development, IT security, and operations and maintenance
Sekon WOSB, 8 (a)深发展 Data warehousing, assessment and analysis, operations security planning, and SOA 培训
Senture SB 联系中心, help desk, mailroom services, warehousing, and inventory management 和成就感
团队技术 8 (a)深发展, HUBZone 系统工程, 设计与开发, 实现和集成, IT运维, 基础设施管理
Truestone通信 ANC 企业IT基础设施支持, 信息生命周期管理, 安全和信息保障
VMD系统集成商 WOSB, 8 (a)深发展 系统设计, 开发和集成, IT策略, 资讯保安及保障, 以及系统工程和监控